Gregory Boyle, SJ, spends his days at Homeboy Industries accompanying ex-gang members as they rebuild their lives. Forgive Everyone Everything is a powerful collection of his most poignant writings based on decades of experiences of loss and pain, redemption and renewal. All 50 reflections are accompanied by stunning street art from acclaimed artist and ex-gang member Fabian Debora, making this book a modern-day devotional that will provoke and inspire readers.
“Forgiveness is about restoration of life; it’s about becoming whole again, about repairing
broken relationships. It’s about resilience. And resilience is about bouncing back and allowing
yourself to be restored so that things in life don’t topple you. We all know what it’s like to
have our hearts hardened by resentment. But if we can forgive everyone everything, then we can be freed from anger, hatred, and resentment.”
—Gregory Boyle, SJ
Download “Choose Joy” excerpt and art from Forgive Everyone Everything.